Embed YouTube channel latest videos as a playlist on Blogger

Note: Above is an image (not video), see the examples below for the actual video interactions.

How to Embed YouTube channel latest videos as a playlist on Blogger

You can embed the latest videos uploaded on a YouTube channel into your Blogger. Instead of embedding just a single YouTube video, you can embed the latest videos as a playlist on your Blogspot or websites.

This is great if you like the latest uploaded videos from a YouTube channel to show on your Blogger or websites, without having to manually update the video everytime a new video is uploaded from the YouTube channel.


Latest videos as a playlist from the official 5-Minute Crafts YouTube channel:

Latest videos from the official Cocomelon YouTube channel:

Embed code

Full embed code example for latest videos from Cocomelon YouTube channel:

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=UUbCmjCuTUZos6Inko4u57UQ" width="560" height="315"></iframe>

How to get the latest video playlist url id of a YouTube channel

The important part here is the playlist url id behind the iframe src “videoseries?list=“. Follow the step-by-step guide below to get the playlist id:
  1. Open YouTube in a browser.
  2. Search for a YouTube channel you would like to embed.
  3. Click and go into the YouTube channel homepage.
  4. Click the Videos section next to the Home on the channel navigation bar.
  5. Click on the PLAY ALL next to the Uploads.
  6. Copy the url in the browser address bar.
  7. Find and locate the playlist id in the url, after the question mark, just behind “list=“ in the url.
  8. Copy and insert the playlist url into your iframe src (paste behind this url https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=).
  9. Done, check and see if everything is ok.


You need to enter HTML view mode instead of Compose view mode to edit and insert the iframe source.


Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question if you have any doubt or difficulty in embedding a YouTube channel on your blog or website. Thanks for reading this guide.


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